Who Is Considered A Sinner?


Who Is Considered A Sinner?

To cut it short. You. Me. Every human being that has walked and that does walk the face of this planet.

To accept and understand that you are a sinner you have to realize what a sinner is!

What is a sinner?

A sinner is someone who commits sin (Luke 18:13). The Greek term translated “sinner” in the Bible carries the idea of a person who is “missing the mark,” as in an archer who misses his target. To sum it up, a sinner is missing God’s mark and is in fact missing the whole point of his or her life. A sinner is someone who is immoral, evil, or wicked. But the Bible tells us that every person is a sinner: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Through Adam’s original act of disobedience, all human beings inherited a sinful nature (Romans 5:12–14) and were credited with the guilt of Adam’s sin (Romans 5:18). Only Jesus Christ was sinless: “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth” (1 Peter 2:22).T

hose who believe in Jesus Christ have their sins forgiven and are granted eternal life: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16–17).

Some of you might say to yourself. “I am a good person, how am I considered sinner? Or “there are so many worse people in the world than me!”…Let me let you in on a secret. Your negligence or incomprehension on understanding that you’re a sinner is a sin itself. You are either not knowledgeable of understanding this point, or you are prideful. That’s a sin my friend. Let me ask a few questions and you yourself can determine if you are a sinner, biblically in God’s eyes:

Have you EVER lied, even once? Have you EVER lusted after someone; with your eyes or physically? Have you ever stolen anything; anything at all even when you were a kid, small as a coin or as big as burglary; along with that not repenting and asking for forgiveness of your sins? Hm. If so, you have just admitted you are a lying adulterer thief. A.K.A. a sinner.

Now here is where the grace of our Father comes in! The blessing part. Yes we are all sinners, we sin every day, whether it’s our thoughts, going against our conscience, or physically! How does God accept us if we are sinners and always will be sinners? Here’s your answer step by step.

  1. Realization. Realize you are a sinner. A horrible person who’s deserving of hell, eternal damnation and separation from the love of god. That you can’t get to god except through Jesus.
  2. Simply talk to god. Tell him that you know you’re a sinner, you need a savior and ask for forgiveness of your sins against him. Any sin against the world is a sin against your creator so don’t think of it lightly and say “I’m not sinning against him, I sinned against my friend”. No. He made everything on this earth, so you mainly sinned against him. He set the law of his word on our hearts in which we disobeyed.

Look at that. That’s it! Understand it, tell God about it and ask for forgiveness.

If you’re in a place of confusion and don’t know where to start, or you don’t know what to believe, how to believe it, etc. That’s understandable; every person, even believers have this struggle. Simply ask God to guide your heart. To heal your unbelief and confusion. He knows where your heart is you just have to come to him he’s an open door receiving anyone who comes to him. If you’re not religious and think, the way to fight sin is not religion but to come together as one and love each other. That’s silly and in itself a religion alone. It’s called secular humanism.

You’re going to go to other sinful creatures for your answers? Wrong. If you think you can heal the world yourself or don’t care much because you’re not as bad as other people, you are your own god. That as well doesn’t work, your god is what you worship the most. We all have a god, it’s just a matter of the fact of which you desire to accept and follow. The riches of this world that will end one day along with yourself? Will this be your only glimpse of heaven (goodness)? Or your creator which is outside of this world, where your riches are to come, if not some as well right now, and this world is the worst you’ll ever see in your eternity.

Leave with this question in the back of your mind.

“If I believe in God and it’s not real, when I die, I have lost nothing, I just cease. If I choose to not follow God or believe, and I die, I have lost everything, eternally.”

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