What’s So Special About Gods Love..?

What’s So Special About Gods Love..?

What’s so amazing about this love? What makes it so amazing?? What’s so amazing that we have to examine, ponder and imagine it? God’s love is not our ‘normal’ type of love. It’s not from around this world. It is something that you don’t just acknowledge and recognize it but you should be amazed by the uniqueness of the type of love the father gives to us.

– Some of us don’t think it’s amazing that god will love us

– Some think that god should love us

#1 — Our God loves people that he ‘shouldn’t’. The unlovable, thief’s, liars, murders, racist, sinners, everyone. That’s one thing that makes his love so foreign.

How Do We Love?

The concept of love in this society puts their love and emotions based on the object/person itself, and what it is about them. Ones behavior dictates the amount of love someone gets. We got taught love- because of something desirable or because of inheritance.

Gods Love…

God’s love isn’t like that. It’s not based on the goodness or worthiness of the person’s love. His love is based on his determined will to do so and the promises that he’s made. Simply because he wants to.

  • Det 7:7–8
  • 1 Cor 1:26–29
  • Ephesians 2:1–8
  • Rom 5:6–11

  • God’s love towards his people is not because of anything you did or deserved. He freely and generously loved us despite us being weak, foolish, disobedient, unwise and rebellious. It’s not earned whatsoever!

Gods Foreign Love

Ephesians 3:14- this is what Paul is praying to Us. He’s praying That you’re strong enough to comprehend what the love of god truly is. U need the spirit of god to even want this type of love.

  • God’s love is outside of you. It’s with him and his determined will.
  • You don’t want love that’s based on you. You are fickle, capricious, sinful, fail, we falter, we don’t love how we’re supposed to. So we need god’s love to not be based on you. You need his love to be based on who he is because if God is unchanging, then his love is unchanging. So when we change, he and his love won’t.
  • Stable and secure and steadfast and loyal love because it’s not based on you, your beauty .
  • This is what you need!!!!!! It’s not natural to us. You have to hold to a biblical view of the fathers love for his children. What the Bible says about love, not what you want, feel or think.
  • Unchanging eternal love.
  • His love is not drawn out of him, not compelled because of something external to him. Nothing makes the father love us. Not even the death of Jesus Christ. His death is because he loves us. That’s why he came, because he loved you. Love existed first. John 3:16
  • You may not really know him if you think it’s surprising for him to love you, or you have a poor view of the gospel
  • The bible was written for you to be certain.

The world is not gonna know you. When you love like this you will be shunned, neglected, avoided, gossiped about, persecuted. The reason is because the world didn’t know Him (#2) This is a feature not a defect. It’s supposed to be like that. The world isn’t going to understand and appreciate the things you do. Only the children of God. Jesus himself was persecuted and the creation is not over the creator, so yes, you will be too.

  • father . 3:18.
  • John 17:14
  • When a Christian sins he is sinning against love. Others are sinning against the law. Christians are sinning against a father who loves him.
  • God had to die to forgive you. He sent his son to die for you BECAUSE he loves you, not the other way around (He sent his son to die so he can love you).

Small tip for marriage:

Christ’s way of loving is what you need in marriages. That forgiveness that holds fast when your partner messes up and you both continue your journey because you know god has forgiven you and loves you regardless….that’s everlasting love. Not just for the little things but for all things. The world may call you a pushover…but no, you’re a child of God. There’s a difference.

That’s one reason our divorce rates are so low. You don’t want to marry someone who wants you because you make them happy. What about those times you don’t? You don’t want someone who will leave you because they are bored. We all will get used to someone. You don’t want anyone who wants to marry you because of any other reason but the same as gods love, it is never changing and everlasting.


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