What Is A Woman … In The Bible?

What Is A Woman … In The Bible?

Based off Genesis — Where did she come from?

Adam changes her (Eve) name from Woman to Eve, the first of many name changes in the Bible. The Hebrew contains a pun, or paronomasia, with the name Eve, her name (Havana) is very similar to the word for life (Khayah, or ‘living one’). God gave the woman the ability not only to have babies but to also release life in a variety of expressions. Eve brought life into the structure of Adam’s world.

What does scripture tell us about the woman?

She is Gods chosen ‘Ezer’ (gen 2:18), a protector, provider, and a source of strength for a man. Secondly, she his taken from man; equally a partner under the Lord and perfectly matched for reunion as one . Thirdly, she is the carrier of life for all humanity. A woman enfolds all 3 roles in one person. Eve is an English given name for ‘ a female’, derived from the Latin name Eva.

In turn originating with the Hebrew חַוָּה (Chavah/Havah — chavahto breathe, and chayahto live, or to give life). The traditional meaning of Eve is life or “living”. It can also mean full of life and mother of life.

God created her from one of Adam’s ribs to be his companion

Why did God make Eve from Adams rib and not his leg, hand, skull etc.? Or why not from the ground as well!? This was to show that Adam and Eve were of the same substance. To show she is to walk WITH and along SIDE of Adam. Not above or below him but as a partner.

Before God created Eve, He said: “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). Every time that God has accomplished His creation, He has pronounced it “good”…up until now. Man being alone is the first “not good” thing that requires a solution. God created Eve as “a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). This insinuates that men and women both need each other. The term ‘helper’ (Hebrew ezer) does not indicate a lesser role or status, but rather function. She was to be his his complement. Adam’s words on being presented with Eve were: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”1 (Genesis 2:23)

By the way, Eve also needed to be related to Adam — if she had been created out of the earth, she would be a completely independent creation. But in a unique way, Eve was descended from Adam, because she was made from a part of him.

Eve was called a “Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23). The name Adam gave his companion reflected the manner of her creation. The Hebrew word ’Ishshah’, “woman,” is formed of the word ’ish, “man,” with the feminine ending.

Creating Eve specifically from Adam’s ribs sets the moral principle of marriage. God didn’t take a bone from his skull so she will not rule over him and He didn’t take a bone from his feet so he will not rule over her. This intentionally was for Adam to love her as his own soul. God showed the woman was to complement and complete man in the unity of marriage. They are both worthy of the privileges, salvation, and later to come-sin, and mercy of God.

Check out my blog ’What’s with Adam’s Rib’ for more information as well!

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