Many roads to hell, one road to salvation. A punishment that never ends, conscious existence, conscious life in a body resurrected and suited for everlasting punishment. The bible speaks of this occurring in a place called Hell. We tend to look over the topic of hell, ignore it and pass by it. It is a […]

Religion vs. Relationship
Luke 11:37–54 — Beware of the darkness of religion This topic is not only for non christians, nor is it specifically aimed towards a christian audience. This is for everyone who walks the earth. Beware of the darkness of religion. What is Religion? This is what your average person thinks ‘getting close to God’ is […]

Is Following Jesus worth it?-
What it means to be a follower of JESUS! Luke 9:57–62 Imagine you are about to get onto a roller coaster. When you approach the front of the line you either get in, put the lap bar down or the over the shoulder bar, prepare yourself, ride the ride and get off after the complete […]