Tag: jesus

how too...

How To Know Gods’ Will

Proverbs 4:7 What is the Will of God: When the Bible talks about Gods will it usually is speaking of Gods sovereign will or Gods prescriptive will. Gods sovereign will: Gods sovereign will is something that will happen no matter what. When God states that something will happen, it does. God wanted Jesus to die […]


Understanding The Origins of Sin

First off, you may ask what is sin exactly? Literally speaking, sin is a transgression against divine law. (anything that is against gods laws/commandments.) Sin is any action, any thought, or word that is considered immoral, harmful, selfish, ect. The word ‘sin’ alone appears over 400 times in the bible! The origins of the word ‘sin’ […]

Faith & Spiritual Growth

Do you Lack Faith because You don’t Understand Why There’s So Many Versions Of The Bible?

Well here’s the simple answer on why.. Don’t believe in the bible because there’s so many versions?There’s a simple answer of why. Do you know Greek? Maybe Aramaic? Old English? How about Hebrew? No? Well that’s the the beginning of your answer. One of the main reasons we see different versions of the Bible is […]

Faith & Spiritual Growth Personal Development

Meditation vs Biblical Meditation

Silent mindful meditation versus meditating on the bible/with God. Biblical meditation is not about emptying your mind. It is about filling your mind with the Word of God. When you hear biblical meditation, do not create in your mind an image of sitting with your legs crossed humming aloud to send vibrations to your mind […]

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