Swings shift Morning/Night routine

Swings shift Morning/Night routine

(Ideally for schedules that are 9pm-7am)

4:00 PM – Wake Up and Prayer of Gratitude

  • Start your day by thanking God for rest and the new opportunities ahead. A simple prayer like, “Lord, thank You for this day and for renewing my strength. Guide me through this evening and night,” can set a positive tone.

4:10 PM – Bible Reading and Devotion

  • Spend 20-30 minutes reading a passage from the Bible. Choose a scripture that resonates with you, or follow a reading plan. Reflect on the passage and consider how it applies to your life.

4:40 PM – Journaling and Reflection

  • Take 10-15 minutes to journal your thoughts, prayers, and reflections from your Bible reading. Writing helps solidify what you’ve learned and keeps you connected with God.

5:00 PM – Prayer Time

  • Dedicate 15-20 minutes to focused prayer. Use the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) or pray as you feel led. Spend some time listening for God’s voice and seeking His guidance for your evening.

5:20 PM – Worship Through Music or Podcast

  • Engage in worship by listening to or singing along with worship music. Let the music uplift your spirit and prepare you for the night ahead. This could also be an audio book or podcast!

5:40 PM – Exercise or a Walk

  • Get some physical activity to boost your energy for the night. Whether it’s a workout, yoga, or a walk, use this time to pray or listen to a Christian podcast or sermon.

6:20 PM – Dinner and Spiritual Nourishment

  • Enjoy a nourishing dinner while reading a devotional or a Christian book. This is a time to feed both your body and your spirit, helping you stay grounded in your faith throughout your shift.

7:00 PM – Personal Growth or Service

  • Spend some time on an activity that fosters personal growth or serves others. This could be studying a Bible course, volunteering, or engaging in a hobby that enriches your life.

8:00 PM – Daily Planning and Goal Setting

  • Take a few minutes to plan your night and set goals. Ask God to guide your steps and help you focus on what’s important during your shift. Reflect on how you can honor God in your tasks and interactions.

8:30 PM – Prepare for Work

  • Begin getting ready for work, ensuring you are physically and mentally prepared. Use this time to focus on the tasks ahead and commit them to God.

9:00 PM – Begin Work

This routine is designed to help you start your day spiritually grounded, even if it begins in the late afternoon, ensuring you’re well-prepared for your evening and night shift. Adjust it as needed to fit your schedule and preferences.

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