Sick people need Jesus

Sick people need Jesus

Why Should We Spread The Gospel —

The church is a hospital for the sick (sinners) . Not a hotel for saints.

Mark 2:17. 9:12 — — — Hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”

Problems with sin are to be expected in the church. That’s because the church is a hospital for the spiritually sick and Jesus is the Great Physician. Sometimes we forget that; but if everyone came to church perfect, what need would we have of Jesus? Jesus said, “They that be whole need not a physician, …” — Matthew 9:12.

What we need to receive the gospel? — to be saved

Before a person can understand the good news, they have to first understand the bad news. This includes an answer to the question, “Why do we need the Gospel?”

  2. To save those who believe — Mk 16:16Ro 1:16
  3. To produce fruit in those who hear and understand God’s grace — Col 1:5–6
  4. To purify souls, causing them to be born again — 1Pe 1:22–25


Facts to believe, for example:

  1. Jesus was crucified for our sins — 1Co 15:1–3
  2. Jesus was raised from the dead — 1Co 15:4
  3. Jesus is exalted as Lord and Savior — Ac 2:33–36
  4. Jesus is coming again, to judge the world — Ac 17:30–31

Commands to obey, such as:

  1. We must believe the gospel concerning Jesus — Mk 16:15–16
  2. We must repent of our sins — Ac 2:37–383:1917:30–31
  3. We must confess our faith in Christ — Ro 10:9–10
  4. We must be baptized for the remission of sins — Mk 16:16Ac 2:3822:16

Promises to receive, including:

  1. The remission of sins, through the blood of Jesus — Ac 2:38Ep 1:7
  2. The gift of the Holy Spirit, to empower the Christian — Ac 2:38–39Ep 3:16
  3. The gift of everlasting life, received at the end — Jn 3:16Ro 6:22–23


  2. It is possible to believe in vain — 1Co 15:1–2
  3. To believe for a while, then fall away — Lk 8:13
  4. To receive the grace of God in vain — 2Co 6:1
  5. For believers can develop an evil heart of unbelief — He 3:12–14


  1. As described by Paul regarding the coming of the Lord — 2 Th 1:7–9
  2. By drifting away through neglecting our great salvation — He 2:1–3
  3. By falling short through lack of faith and obedience in the gospel — He 4:1–2,11
  4. By failing to properly value the blood by which we are sanctified — He 10:26–31


  1. That it was God who loved us first, and not we Him — 1Jn 4:9–10
  2. What true love really is — 1Jn 3:16
  3. That since Jesus died for our sins, He will certainly save us from wrath — Ro 5:9
  4. That since God gave us His Son, He will certainly be with us in all things — Ro 8:31–39
  5. To beat down our pride. A sober reflection on our sin and what God has done for us in the gospel destroys our pride and cultivates a spirit of humility before the Lord and others (John 3:16, 5:24; Tit. 3:1–7).

6. Would you go to the doctor if a random person Told you u have cancer? What about if you went into the doctor and without diagnosing you, he says you need to take chemo. Would you do it? NO! Cause your not sick!!! Now what if you went to the doctor, did lab tests and results came back your sick from cancer, would you go through treatment then? Of course.

The thing is we are all sick, but many of you don’t think they are; spiritually sick. In damnation to go to hell. You have so many questions about God and Religions…how can any of it be real!!?? But you don’t bother to look up your questions. Or gain the knowledge behind true evidence and faulty evidence, your ok with not knowing…until it’s too late.

To Those who make fun of those with a religion or think the world ceases to exist.…hear me. Say we find our creator and become Christian and now dedicate our entire life to “some god” . When we die, we lost nothing , we cease to exist! Or move onto the next life .

What if it is true? And you didn’t care enough to study and find your savior …but now it’s too late and you’ve lost everything. No second chance. No Good. No god. All because of your negligence to understand God.

To someone who is blind, if they say there’s no such thing as the sky!! And we look at them like they are silly and ask why do you think that? It’s right there!? And their reply is…because I can’t see it. Of course there’s no such thing.

It doesn’t mean it’s not there because you can’t see it, the same with our faith, there’s evidence of the sky, and clouds, and facts about it, AND other people have seen it with their own eyes!!! Like Christ.

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