How Did The Different Races Of People Come About??

How Did The Different Races Of People Come About??

How could there be so many races in the world if were all descendants of just two people? Adam and Eve?

Do you think… “well, to get all the races of people god must have made different races to begin with?” Well…were all descendants of one man and one woman. There could only be one race of people, I’ll break it down for you!

Let’s talk about the word Race: When people use this word they mean ‘supposed race(s)’ of people who have evolved at different times or different locations, NOT TRUE!! We also use the word race to determine people with different physical traits or skin color.

Acts 17:26….But are there really different races? There is only one race. The human race (Genesis 1:26–28)

Adam and eve, mom and dad of the human race, had children then their children had children then their children’s children had children and so on and so forth, for many generations until (Gen 6:9) the world population was reduced to 8 people who were protected in an Ark during…the global flood. From those 8 people who came off of the ark (Gen 9:19) — came the people who were scattered over the earth.

But wait…What do you mean by scattered? (Gen 11)

The Tower of babel. Because of the sinful actions from the descendants of Noah, God had confused their language and scattered them from there over all the earth. (Hint, the word babel means a confused noise made by many number of voices.. Another hint…everyone would have been babbling to those who were not from their area because they did not know each others language.) — If your asking yourself well why did he confuse their language? That is a whole other topic to study — This still explains we are all one race and different groups of people who ended up in different locations.


Well here ya go…We all have pigment in our bodies called melanin, which depending on different variables, produces different shades of the one main skin color we all possess. Several genes control the amount of melanin produced. Its in fact quite easy for one couple to produce a wide range of skin shade variability in just one generation!

Let’s break this down as well.


DNA is the molecule of heredity that is passed from parents to children. A child inherits 23 chromosomes from each parent (in which both the mother and fathers chromosome combine to make one pair). Each chromosome pair contains hundreds of hundreds of genes that regulates the physical development of the child. There are 2 genes that control the production of melanin…

A and B (both capitalized) which symbolizes versions of the gene that cotes large amounts of melanin.

While little a and b (lower case) cote for small amounts.

Now that we went through all of the basic knowledge, since Adam and Eve were the first people ever, it makes sense to conclude that God placed in them a combination of genes that could produce all different shades of skin we see. Those that would be present in Noah and those 7 other people that were on the ark. And since god disbursed people at the tower of babel — he disbursed the population there by isolating gene poles in the different people groups,

Over time different cultures formed and different features like skin shade becoming predominant.

OH! And by the way…Since the more dominant gene (or color in this case) would be brown-melanin…yes. Back in biblical times, Those would have been different shades of brown, from dark to light. So you too have traces of the dominant melanin AND the recessive melanin gene.

With this being said, If you really break down genes, we all are literally, just the same. Some just physically show their melanin more than others!

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