How To Know Gods’ Will

How To Know Gods’ Will

Proverbs 4:7

What is the Will of God:

When the Bible talks about Gods will it usually is speaking of Gods sovereign will or Gods prescriptive will.

Gods sovereign will:

Gods sovereign will is something that will happen no matter what. When God states that something will happen, it does. God wanted Jesus to die on that cross, no man, storm, animal or anything else could have stopped him from taking his last breath on that cross for the sins of this world; that was Gods will and it was going to happen no matter what. How does this relate to us?

When we make big plans (relocating to a different country, getting a divorce, having your first child, etc) to the smallest decision (eating a burger instead of salad, turning left at the light, reading, drinking coffee at 8 am, etc), we as Christians take such comfort in his Sovereign will because no matter what we choose to do, good, bad, big, or small, we cannot ruin or change Gods ultimate plans.

In these times where you are feeling lost or even uncertain, know that God is certain, unchanging and permanent will that the moment you because adopted to Christ and you became a child of God, nothing can separate you from his love, not even sin. Now even though sin cannot take you away from your salvation, that does not mean that you wont feel the ramifications of sin and your relationship with God starts to sway, so be careful with this statement. Romans 8:38–39.

Gods prescriptive will

This is the other aspect of gods will in which is what he asks his people to do. God has given many commands to his people ( in which many still apply today), but he also allows his people a choice; to obey or to not obey his commands. Don’t expect there to be specific commands for every situation in your life, you will set yourself up for unnecessary failure, but understanding Gods character through his word and his specific commands given enables you to see and seek his will through every single situation throughout your life.

How to seek Gods’ will:

1. Mediate on Gods’ word.

When you make any decision, it should line up with what the bible says. The only way you’d know if your decisions line up with Gods word is if you knew what his word says. Meditate on the bible!! As you read scripture you’d be able to know Gods character and be better able to know what He wants. You spend time with your friends to the point you really get to know what they dislike; you’d be doing the same as you read the Bible to get to know your father

When you’re reading the bible do not read it in order to get answers to your problems; this is not the same as understanding Gods word and applying those commands and principles to your decisions. Really gather information on the context around the scripture you are reading.

2. Give up your personal desires

While seeking gods will you have to be fully open to what he wants for you and wants from you. If you have already decided what YOU want and you’re putting your will above Gods, only coming to God so that he can approve of your decision, you’re being self seeking, egotistical and not seeking Gods will. Really think on why you are so drawn towards that decision. Is it self seeking and for self gratification or God centered and for Gods will. Don’t mistake your own thoughts, plans and desires for Gods voice; the only way you can know the difference is by knowing Gods voice…by point number 1. Really pay attention to where your desires lie. Is your biggest desire to have a certain outcome or to please God…this will let you know when you’re ready to hear from God. Psalm 37:4

This doesn’t mean ignore your emotions and desire when you are seeking Gods will, he gives them to you for a reason, but do not let it blind you or fog your vision when it comes to getting different sources if guidance. Along with this, as Christian your desires should be for other people. To please them, to serve them to love them. Galatians 1:10. Don’t make decisions just because of someone else, but be mindful of how it will affect those around you. Following gods will will not aways be easy and welcoming, and it will not always be in the best interest of others, so be aware and open to disappoint others in the journey of following Gods will.

3. Spend time in prayer and quiet time with God

If you wanna know Gods will, whats better than to ask God himself!?! The one who created you! James 1:5–6. Gods very own desire is for you to know his will, he doesn’t want you to try to figure it out on your own, simply talk to him through prayer and be open to hear him. So when you ask, expect an answer and expect it in his way not your way. His own son had to suffer, why would you dare to think you will have life so easy? Gods will for you may have turmoil, pain, fear, and anxiety…just the same without knowing Gods will. Yet, you will have that connection with the father that only Christians know. Phil 4:6

4. Seek others advice.

Not your best friend, not a councilor who can help guide you emotionally, but an Elder in the church; a mature educated Christian who has been through these trials and same questions before. Ask those you trust to pray over your decision. This is wise, but again their advice is not over Gods.

5. Use the Holy Spirit to your best advantage

Gods spirit can direct your mind. It can direct your reasoning, it can direct your knowledge, emotions and wisdom. The Holy Spirit helps to guide us through Gods word and understand it; it will teach you and remind you of things. John 14:26, Galatians 5:16.

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