God vs. Your Mental Health

God vs. Your Mental Health

Psalm — 46:10

Although the bible does not specifically mention the exact topic of mental health, it does display topics about someone’s emotions, their mind, soul, and heart. In church history, primitive beliefs taught the struggling with mental health and actual mental problems were distinctively related to Satan; the result of demonic possession, this is not true! This also doesn’t mean you’re not saved, or that you’re not a christian. For those who struggle with mental health, as believers, it is crucial for us to not judge, condemn, or belittle those struggling; we are to love them and show them kindness. (John 13:34–35).

First and foremost this blog is not about pointing fingers at those who struggle with their emotions, I struggle myself. I am writing this to help those who understand how to cope with their emotions.

Background on Psalm 46:10:

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” In this verse, God issues a strong command to be still and know that he is God.

When you have an understanding of knowing God you come to notice and have knowledge of his power and abilities on saving and helping people; this also means allowing him to do so. Allowing him to take control of your life and do his work.

We are to be still and listen to the Lord. People sang the beautiful Psalm 46; the bible says it was for the attention of the ‘chief musician’.It was such an important Psalm it wasn’t given to just an ordinary musician. The title of Psalm 46 reads “A Song for Alamoth”; a high pitched song (1 Chronicles 15:20).

The writer of Psalm (the sons of Korah), wanted the readers to see that god is a refuge in all times of trouble; he is with us at all times and we all have those times of trouble physically, mentally, and emotionally. He is the helper of his people, his family, his children. There’s no need to fear if you stand firm in your trust in God. The theme of this Psalm is God’s greatness and his power to rescue and deliver us from things that are out of our control or beyond our abilities.

We don’t have to take on everything in life that is thrown at us, we can simply give it to God and that’s the victory about having a relationship with him. He can deal with it, not you, all you have to do is trust in him. We are to stop fighting with our puny human strength and have God fight our battles. Continuing to fight in our own strength will lead you to destruction, rely on God that is what he is there for.

Biblical ways to deal with specific mental health topics:


A great biblical example is Elijah was a prophet who deeply struggled with suicidal thoughts during a difficult time in his life. 1 Kings 19:4 informs us of Elijah’s struggle, ““While he himself went on a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. ‘I have had enough, Lord,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Of course the Lord doesn’t want anyone to take their life.

The most important thing you can do is pray and talk to God, he’s the one in charge not you. Doctors, therapists, councilors, they are all there to help, not to leave you in the dark. There’s plenty of people in the bible who have taken their own lives: Abimelech, Saul, Saul’s armor-bearer, Zimri and Judas. The bible views suicide just as equal to murder-self murder. You don’t have the right to take away what God put on this earth, nor do you have the right to take away a life you’re not even in charge of, yes that includes your own.

You are not the owner of your body; I am speaking as someone who has had these types of thoughts as well so do not think I am writing this as an outsider judging those who struggle. God is the only one to decide when one should die, for he is the one who decided when we should live. We should take these thoughts and say, “My times are in your hands,” Psalm 31:15. God is the giver of life. He gives and takes away ( Job 1:21) and that’s not dependent on your emotions in this lifetime. Why is suicide (the taking of your own life) ungodly? Because it rejects God’s gift of life.

You are taking God’s authority upon yourself. Have you ever heard the saying, “I never asked to be here!!” That’s the gift. You didn’t ask to be born yet God knew you were going to be his. Or, “It’s my life!”. Your life is borrowed, it’s not even your own breath! Genesis,. How can you successfully control something (your life) that you can’t even breath alone for? But on the other hand, Solomon was at a point where he hated life (Ecc 2:17), Elijah was depressed and yearned for death (1 Kings 19:4), Jonah was so angry at god and wished to die (Jonah 4:8), and even the great Apostle Paul was despaired of life itself at a point (2 Cor 1:8).

But there’s hope and they all found it in God! Solomon learned to fear God and keep his commandments, Elijah was comforted by an angel and given rest, Jonah received admonition and rebuke from God, Paul learned that the Lord can bear all things. With this being said, suicide is sin, but suicidal thoughts can be transformed, healed, nurtured and helped. If one does commits suicide, all sin is equal and it doesn’t determine your destiny. The scars are now taken from your life and placed on others though so just be mindful and seek healing.


Normally everyone has anxiety. It doesn’t become diagnosed by a doctor unless it starts to interfere with one’s daily life. God knows that we will have anxiety, he even tells us what to do with our anxiety. “1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Humble yourself and stop caring about this extra weight that you don’t even need to carry.

Imagine going on a hike, carrying 200 pounds of baggage and gear for 6 miles. Once you get to your destination, your partner who is carrying nothing and goes, OH! We didn’t need all that stuff, everything we need is at our destination!” I’m sure you’d have a few words to be exchanged, but you see, it is so unnecessary. God told you to give it to him and he will deal with it, it’s your choice to believe it or not, God made it clear on what you should do.

Philippians 4:6–7 as well states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When you are struggling with anxiety, fear, and stress, pray. Talk to God and let him know you are struggling with whatever you struggle with, and trust him. Even if you’re struggling with trusting him, tell him that! He knows your heart and intentions, put it on your God and he will heal you.


The number one mental struggle that many go through. It can be caused by genetics, internal conflict, trauma, a person’s environment, anything really. God is always with you, when you feel distant, he hasn’t moved, you have walked away and he’s always inviting you to come back. God can change your hard times into happiness and understanding. Psalm 30:11. You have to realize this life is going to be hard, life is full of ups and downs, hard times, struggles and stress.

It’ll leave when in your eternal state, in heaven. In heaven our emotions are transformed into understanding and pure joy. So please do not expect yourself to never have depression again or to never feel sad in your lifetime, you will only get disappointed. Instead have a deep understanding that when you DO get into those down states of depression that God is there and will help you through. To walk alongside you and to give you the correct instructions, it might not be the instructions and directions that you desired or expected but he is in control. In the bible, David writes in Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Eating Disorders:

Again, eating disorders are not specifically mentioned in the bible, but God tells us to honor our bodies, take care of them for they are a temple ( 1 Cor:19–20) God wants you to enjoy filling your stomachs and enjoying what you eat, not by purging food, binge eating, restricting food or even over exercising. Each individual is made in God’s image (gen 1:27); fearfully and wonderfully made (psalm 139:13–16).

Eating disorders are specific triggers, caused by appearance disappointment or shame; insecurities. This sinful world cares so strongly about beauty and perfect standards, it is no surprise that eating disorders arise, nor is it rare. People who struggle so strongly with eating disorders, I understand where your fear and insecurity comes from but read the following carefully. You have a corrupted definition of what beauty is.

An incorrect understanding of where beauty lies that the world defines it as. Let me ask why you care so much about what a sinful person like yourself says about beauty more than the one who created beauty? In the bible beauty does not stem from your appearance, we all look different so of course we all can’t be physically attractive on the same level.

God looks at one’s heart for beauty. Eating disorders are usually a coping mechanism. Gain a full understanding of what beauty is and figure out ways of coping with high stress or even low stress situations. If God loves you just the way you are, there’s no reason you can’t love yourself. And in those times you just don’t love yourself, know God still does.

Keep in mind…

With all of these extremely difficult mental situations, always remember and keep in your heart the things that are pure, lovely, praiseworthy, true, noble, right, and admirable and think about them. (Phil 4:8) Meditate on what God says about each of these topics, do not lean on your own understanding; it is tampered and false. The devil will always try to get in your way, so stand firm in God’s word and be prepared, especially in your most vital, vulnerable, difficult times.

With this being said, having a mental illness or even struggling with those controlling emotions does not make you any less of a christian than the one who doesn’t struggle with these. It doesn’t make you any less loved by God, any less worthy, any less beautiful. It makes you human who’s in need of a savior and just a bit of a need for help to understand things in a different light.

Remember the bible is real. There’s real emotions, it’s not a happy story book. Theres death, murder, sin, adultery, mental illnesses, depression, suffering and pain. Yet the miracle of it all is that the bible provides answers to how to handle them as well. God provided you with answers and healing all you have to do is follow them! Seeking help doesn’t make you less than. As humans we get ashamed. There’s other mental health challenges out there, these are just the top 4 that a lot of other mental health disorders stem from.

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