Woman of the World vs Woman of the Word

Woman of the World vs Woman of the Word

What are some of the qualities of a woman of the world? What does that phrase even mean?

What is a Woman of the Word?

A woman of the world is simply a woman who looks just like every other woman. A woman who ‘blends in with the crowd’ and those around her. A woman where if she and other women were talking over text or social media in a group chat, you wouldn’t be able to tell which one who is different.

Traits of a woman of the world:

  • Tries to impress others.
  • Her self worth is found in her accomplishments.
  • Is controlled by an agenda.
  • She is discouraged by failure.
  • She expects perfection from herself and others.
  • She looks to her spouse as the primary source for happiness, contentment and fulfillment.
  • She teaches her children the modern way instead of gods way.
  • Her perspective is based on what is seen.
  • Her words do not flatter her or bring glory to God.
  • Her clothes bring shame instead of glory. Hints, the first things that comes to your mind when you hear ‘shameful clothing’ sure isn’t a hoodie and sweatpants.

TIPS: (on how to avoid being a women of the world)

  1. If you find yourself no different than what most of the women are like today, you might want to do some soul searching, in Christ, and see why that may be. Being a Christian woman means that you WILL be different, speak different, look different and think differently. Your bound t do so when walking with Christ. Therefore if you are not seeing those different traits within yourself, you may need to reevaluate whom your living your life for. Yourself or Jesus Christ.
  2. What areas in your life do you see are just the same as those around you?
  3. Are you comfortable in your sin?
  4. Do you wear clothes to gain attraction or bring glory to God by complimenting yourself in such a way?
  5. What ways can you make yourself look different tan those aorund you?
  6. Is your ego bigger than your obligation to God?
  7. Are you knowledgeable in the word? The lack of knowledge of how God want you to live in the world is also a path to distraction. ( Hosea 4:6) “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Now of course there is more context to this verse, but one thing is for certain, a lack of knowledge can damage you.
  8. If you choose to fight this Truth, what bible verses are you using to say that this is all incorrect? If it is strictly based on opinion and not facts from scripture, you might want to see where your heart is at as well.
  9. Are you trying to peruse modesty Gods way or in the way that makes you look like something you are not? And ladies, specifically the ones who have the mindset of “I wear less clothes not for others but because I am confident in myself”…be confident in Christ instead. It get’s you nothing in life but a call for attention, an egotistical way of thinking and it sure is not bringing glory to God. . Answer this: What difference does it make for you to wear less clothes than cover up? If your answer is anything but bringing glory to Christ…re-evaluate. You being ‘confident in yourselves’ is just a cover up phrase to be like everyone else and pursue your own fleshly sinful desires. Again, if I am wrong, please provide the bible verses that proves otherwise. (Read my blog topic on modesty) — (1 Cor 6:20) “Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit”
  10. Are you trying to please the world or God?

Traits of a woman of the Word

  • Pleases the Lord (Eph 5:10)
  • Her self worth is found in an accurate view of who she is in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10)
  • Is controlled by the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22–26)
  • Failure reminds her that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9–10)
  • She practices grace with herself and others (Eph 4:32)
  • She teaches her children to be Godly (Prov 22:6)
  • Her perspective is based on what is unseen (Col 3:2)

TIPS: (on how to become a woman of the Word)

  1. The main tip. MEDITATE ON THE WORD!!! You will not know anything on being a christian woman, holding christian values, standards, how to live a Christian life, etc. You can not go living your life off of advice from other people and what other people say about the bible. You need to know for yourself.
  2. Every day will be a struggle. Flesh verses spirit. You have to practice daily to be Christ-like. You have to focus on the words that are about to come out of your mouth, the things you attend, the things you watch, listen to and do.
  3. Not in a way of comparing yourself to others, but you have to look at how you live your life and look at how those around you who are not Christian live their lives. Do not judge them, but to yourself, see the similarities and differences. If you see you look more like the rest of the world, seek in the Word on how you should be living your life. Pray for God to enter your heart in these things.
  4. When others look at you and get to know you can they tell something is different about you than others?
  5. What do I mean as in “are you different?” I mean are you more forgiving than not? Do you use profanity or use your words wisely? Do you smoke? Drink? Party? Wear less clothing? Listen to degrading music? Hang with the wrong crowd? When I list these few things off, I am not saying “Your not a Christian if you do these things!!” I am not to judge you…but God is. So will he be proud of what you are doing?
  6. Women are emotinal. Practice not acting out of emotion. It is a gift to be an emotional being but it can sometimes caus eus or others harm. Use the bible on guiding you on how to control your reactions and actions.
  7. Whats your reason of doing some of the things you do in your life? If your answer is not to glorify God, look deeper into the ‘why’.

Most of these can apply to men too… 🙂

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